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start [2015/05/19 10:18]
Markus Bürgener
start [2018/10/24 13:44] (current)
Simon Kühling Move overview pages to their namespaces
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-====== Official Documentation Repository for Kühling&​Kühling Products ====== ​+~~NOTOC~~ 
 +====== Official Documentation Repository for Kühling&​Kühling Products ======
 [[http://​​|Kühling&​Kühling]] is an Open Source Hardware company by Jonas Kühling and Simon Kühling. Here you find a collection of all documentation resources for our products. [[http://​​|Kühling&​Kühling]] is an Open Source Hardware company by Jonas Kühling and Simon Kühling. Here you find a collection of all documentation resources for our products.
-{{ :​reprapindustrial_verbessert-e1385634517986-400x400.jpg?​300|}} 
-===== RepRap Industrial v1 ===== 
-The RepRap Industrial 3D printer is an Open Source Hardware machine developed and manufactured by Kühling&​Kühling.\\ For all questions not answered with these pages, you can always [[http://​​imprint/​|contact us]] directly. 
-<WRAP group> +===== Select your machine =====
-<WRAP half column>​ +
-<WRAP info> +
-//If you have been redirected here from the web interface of your 3D printer and are looking for the//  +[[vp75:​start|{{:​cover_vp75.png?​nolink&​200|VP75}}]] 
-<WRAP centeralign>​ +[[ht500-3:​start|{{:​cover_ht500.3.png?​nolink&​200|HT500.3}}]] 
-Initial commissioning information\\ +[[ht500:​start|{{:​cover_ht500.png?​nolink&​200|HT500}}]] 
-**[[reprap-industrial-v1:​software-version-v1.1.0-operation-and-commissioning#​initial-commissioning|[click here]]]**. +[[reprap-industrial-v1:​start|{{:​cover_reprapindustrial.png?​nolink&​200|RepRap Industrial}}]] 
-</WRAP> +<​WRAP ​clear></​WRAP>​
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP half column> 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP half column> 
-In the following you find the official documentation and all further product-related information about the RepRap Industrial v1: 
-  * [[http://​​shop/​kuhlingkuhling-reprap-industrial-3d-printer/​|Buy a RepRap Industrial]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Quick Start Guide]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Manual]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Technical Data]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Service Guide]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Troubleshooting]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Tips & Tricks]] 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​Knowledge base]] ​ 
-  * [[reprap-industrial-v1:​software-firmware-upgrades|Software & Firmware Upgrades]] 
-<WRAP half column> 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
 ---- ----
-{{ :​20130219-1129071-e1361351695304.jpg?​300|}} 
-===== RepRap Industrial v0 (development prototype) ===== 
-At the beginning of 2013 Kühling&​Kühling demonstrated a pre-production prototype of the RepRap Industrial at [[http://​|FabCon.3D]] tradeshow in Erfurt/​Germany and started to accept pre-orders on the final series production model. 
-This revision was not actually manufactured,​ so these pages are for historical reference only.+===== Archive =====
-  ​* [[reprap-industrial-v0:​Overview]] ​(Pictures, Specifications,​ Features)+* [[reprap-industrial-v0:​overview|RepRap Industrial v0 (development prototype)]] 
 +  ​
start.1432030720.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/19 10:18 by Markus Bürgener